In the beginning…
Yes, your right, I will admit that on a calendar, SRKids is just once a week. You got me! But I would like to also propose that SRKids is the beginning of a weekly journey and here are 3 reasons why.
1. First, each week children engage in activities and conversations based upon the Bible story presented that morning, but these conversations and activities are only meant to be just the beginning. As parents we want to resource you with the weekly Bible stories and bottom lines so you can begin to have similar conversations at home, which can help encourage daily faith conversations throughout the week.
2. Secondly, SRKids has monthly memory verses that we encourage children to memorize. These verses are not intended to be only learned and recited within SRKids, but to be learned and recited at home, school or anywhere. These verses allow children to get into and learn God’s Word and we never want to limit that to just a Sunday thing.
3. Finally, in SRKids we want to join with parents to lead children to know Jesus for Life. This does not mean Jesus on Sundays, but to know and follow Jesus every single day. We want children to have an authentic faith and we believe a key to this is having an every-day faith. SRKids is a ministry that inspires children to live their faith daily and is a place to support them and help them grow on their journey.
The bottom line
The bottom line is this: SRKids is not just a once a week program. We are a starting block and a partner for the journey that each child and family are on.
Feel free anytime to let me know what you think about what your kids are learning in SRKids and we invite you to visit our Facebook page to find out what’s going on in SRKids.
Check out our Facebook post on this topic and join the conversation.