We can't thrive as disciples of Jesus if we don't follow Him in community with others. We were made to follow Jesus in the context of thick relational bonds with other Christians
What is a community group at SouthRidge?
A Community Group is a bunch of people getting together in each other’s homes. Group sizes vary, but we like them smaller rather than larger. Some community groups move around while other groups meet at the same location. Some groups meet weekly while other groups meet every other week. As you can tell, our community groups are a fruit salad of variety.
Why is being in a Community Group so important?
Even though every group looks a little different, they are all focused on connecting people. This is done through relationship building, caring for one another’s needs, and seeing spiritual change occur in each other’s lives.
What is the required commitment?
Many groups meet either once a week, every 2 weeks, or twice a month formally. Because we encourage contribution to a group, we encourage you to attend as many as you can to build deeper friendships. We hope that friendships will develop a desire to meet outside of formal gatherings. That being said, we do not require people to attend any amount of times.
Which group should I join, and how do I join?
We would encourage you to attend a group closest to your neighbourhood. However, we do allow for people to attend a different one if they feel they fit well with another group of people. You can connect with one of the leaders, a participant in a group, or ask Greg to help you find an appropriate group.
Can my kids go?
Possibly. Each group decides on their own if there is childcare. Often an older child will look after the younger ones while the adults have some time to pray and study. Some groups also pitch in a couple dollars each to pay for childcare.
Does it cost money?

Discipleship Pastor
Greg serves as the Discipleship Pastor at SouthRidge. He is passionate about helping people live out our Discipleship Rhythms of celebrating big, finding community with a few, following Jesus daily, serving one another, and engaging in mission. He is married to Sarah and has three kids.