5 quirky facts you never knew about SouthRidge

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5 quirky facts about SouthRidge

We think you’ll find these facts about SouthRidge pretty entertaining whether you are a regular of SouthRidge or if you just stumbled across our website today.

2,560 cups of coffee

Our coffee team is on track to use 80 pounds of coffee, 156 litres of cream and 78 litres of milk in 2014.

3,360 minutes of singing

In one year SouthRidge spends about 56 hours singing or 3,360 minutes — that’s if you add together the Sunday services, the SR Kids’ worship time, the youth group on Wednesdays and the special event services.

624 pounds of cookies

All those little cookie monsters running around after the service gobble up 12 pounds of cookies each week. That’s 624 pounds a year.

5.2 inches of beard growth

Worship Director Darcy hasn’t shaved in an entire year and his beard has grown 5.2 inches.

159 Parking Spots

21 of those spots are labelled “small car” and 5 of them are zoned for those with lower mobility.

Things that make you go huh.

Hope you enjoyed these fun facts about SouthRidge.