Taboo No. 1: Porn

Web Team Brent Chapman, Message, Taboo

The Challenge

Beat your pornography addiction.


The biggest enemy to sexual oneness is lust. It breaks the oneness of the marriage bond. (Matthew 5:28)

Porn Stats: $60 billion are spent annually on porn worldwide. Boys between the ages 12-17 are the largest consumers of porn. 73% of Christian men have viewed porn.

Lust is an equal opportunity offender – it effects both men and women.

The lies we believe about porn: 1. Sex is a performance and that is should be on display in movies for our consumption and entertainment. 2. Porn will enhance our relationship, when in truth it destroys trust and brings lies into a marriage, or perhaps it will prepare a dating couple for marriage.

How to beat your pornography addiction:

1. Stop the secret life (Proverbs 28:13)

2. Fight the mind and heart battles (2 Corinthians 10:4-5, “Take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ.)

3. Set up boundaries to protect yourself and understand your triggers. Protect your children from what the internet can expose them to.

4. Get accountability through software and a person you can trust – a person who will ask you the tough questions.

Additional Resources


Eyes of Integrity: The porn pandemic and how it affects you by Craig Gross


Everyman’s Battle by Stephen Arterburn, Fred Stoeker

Every Young man’s Battle by Stephen Arterburn, Fred Stoeker

Overcoming Pornography Addiction: A spiritual solution by J. Brian Bransfield

Nate Larkin’s Story

About the Speaker

Brent Chapman is the lead pastor at SouthRidge Church in Langley. As a young man he was a painter–the kind that painted walls not canvass. Then God tapped him on the shoulder and changed the direction of his life forever.

About the Taboo Series

The Taboo Series was started in Feb of 2015 with the purpose to bring to light all the topics we like to hide in the dark. This series of messages covers the most awkward topics in church culture.