Are you new to SouthRidge? Do you want to know more about who we are as a church?
Partnership seminar on Sept. 20
Sign up to attend our partnership seminar on Sunday, Sept. 20 – 4 to 7pm in the Fireside Room. We’ll tell you what you need to know about how we are as a church, what we believe, and give you an opportunity to ask us any questions. This is open to anyone who is interested in partnering with us as a local Langley church or just wondering what SouthRidge is all about.
We’ll even feed you dinner!
Come to the seminar and ask all the questions you want and eat* all the food you want! Call the church office at 604-514-1000 to sign up, or for more information.
*Please note, it isn’t buffet. So… “eat all the food you want” actually means, “eat all the food you want while still leaving food for the other people around you.” And there might even be dessert.