55+ Program at SouthRidge Church in Langley

Seniors Program

About 55+ at SouthRidge Church in Langley

We are about building relationships, encouraging one another, and supporting programs within our church and communities

Join in the Annual 55+ Summer BBQ.
We will be meeting at the home of Bevin and Janie Wray
August 25 | 4:00 - 7:00pm | Contact Allan and Brenda for more info or call 604.531.8446

Supporting church programs

There are a number of ways the adult 55+ are involved in supporting a variety of programs within the church community. Some of these areas include:

  • SR Kids
  • Greeters
  • Music
  • Coffee time
  • Sound
  • Mentoring
  • Leading community group

Meet the team

Allan & Brenda Elander
55+ Coordinator
Allan and Brenda, along with a great support team, have a passion for bringing people together to have meaningful relationships, as well as be an encouragement and support to one another.