A Fresh Start

Web Team Kirk Wood, Mark Series, Message

The Challenge

Support and encourage one another to remain on Him, and don’t lose courage.


Kirk starts by talking about new year’s resolutions and the concept of a fresh start.

Kirk tells a story about university students who lied to their professor about why they had missed a final exam and how they were exposed as liars. Kirk then explains all of the ramifications of being labeled as a liar.

Kirk then turns to Mark 14:27-31 and discusses how Jesus predicts Peter’s denial of Christ. Kirk then focuses on Peter and who he was and his experiences with Jesus.

About the Speaker

Kirk Wood is the associate pastor of community engagement at SouthRidge Church in Langley. He grew up loving hockey and even became a pro hockey ref, as well as a fire fighter, all before becoming a pastor.

About the Mark Series

The Mark Series was started in January of 2013 with the purpose of learning about the man who claimed to be God’s son. This series of messages will cover Jesus’ life, his values, his teachings, his actions, and his claim to be the saviour.