Audio version Subscribe on iTunesLearn more about our Message Podcast Summary of The Kingdom of Heaven Craig speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, a Langley church. He speaks on the verse Matthew 13:44-46. About the SpeakerCraig Murphy is part of the staff …
God is coming soon
WEB TEAM Craig Murphy, Message, Message-audio, Promises of God
Craig speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks about Heaven, hell and the second coming . This message is part of our summer series, Promises of God.
God sets you free
WEB TEAM Craig Murphy, Message, Message-audio, Promises of God
Craig Murphy speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on slavery, sin, freedom, and new life. This message is part of our summer series, Promises of God.
Why did you doubt?
WEB TEAM 7 Life Changing Questions, Craig Murphy, Message, Message-audio
Craig Murphy speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on doubt, fear, and faith. This is the fourth message in our 7 Life Changing Questions series.
WEB TEAM Church in Culture, Craig Murphy, Message, Message-audio
Craig Murphy speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on the culture, the church, and fear. This message is the third message of our “Church in Culture” message series.
The Good Samaritan
WEB TEAM Craig Murphy, Jesus + Justice, Message, Message-audio
Craig Murphy speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on the Samaritan, love, and purpose. This message is part of our Jesus + Justice series.
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
WEB TEAM Craig Murphy, Message, Message-audio
Craig Murphy speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on Luke, salvation, and grace. This message was spoken to the church family on August 19, 2018.
Experience God: the how matters
WEB TEAM Brent Chapman, Craig Murphy, Message, Message-audio
Experience God Sunday at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. This message was spoken to the church family on July 1st, 2018.