Audio version Subscribe on iTunesLearn more about our Message Podcast Summary of Oh Christmas Tree David Horita speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, a Langley church. About this Message Series This is a message in a series called Hiding in Plain Sight. …
When life isn’t going your way
WEB TEAM Daniel, David Horita, Message, Message-audio
Audio version Subscribe on iTunesLearn more about our Message Podcast Summary of When life isn’t going your way David Horita speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, a Langley church. He talks about Daniel chapter 7 and what all those images mean to …
WEB TEAM David Horita, Message, Message-audio, The Thursday Before
God will work it out
WEB TEAM David Horita, Message, Message-audio, Promises of God
David Horita speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on redemption, transformation and promise. This message is part of our summer series, Promises of God.
People are not the worst
WEB TEAM 1 Thessalonians, David Horita, Message, Message-audio
David Horita speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on community, people, togetherness. This is the eighth message in our series 1 Thessalonians.
Bewitched and bewildered
WEB TEAM David Horita, Message, Message-audio
David Horita speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on not succumbing to a legalistic faith – but rather embracing the grace of life in Jesus. Legalism diminishes Jesus’ death. Anytime we start doing things that we think might help pay Jesus back we diminish his sacrifice. This message was spoken to the church family on June 19.
Engage the vision
Web Team David Horita, Message
The ground is level at the foot of the cross
Web Team David Horita, Message
Luke 14 | The cross of Jesus makes level ground for everyone. We all need Jesus. We all get God’s grace.