A Theology of Making
Art + Faith is a book study led by Elijah Kroeker, exploring what it means to be “created to be creative.” We welcome you to join us in this 8-week, in-depth study of Makoto Fugimura’s book Art + Faith, A Theology of Making. This study is for both Artists searching for what it means to create as a Christian and for those who don't consider themselves artists and are curious how art fits into their faith and hopefully will discover they too are “created to be creative.”
Sessions are Mondays beginning April 14 and run weekly for 8 weeks
Cost is $25 which includes a hardcover book Art + Faith - A Theology of Making
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Theology, the Bible and Discipleship to JesusTheology, the Bible, and Discipleship to Jesus is a multi-week ministry designed to help our church family engage in meaningful and intentional conversation around...well...theology, the Bible, and discipleship to Jesus.
The in-person classes are completed but you can still work through the series using the video links below
Download Workbook

Theology, the Bible and Discipleship to JesusTheology, the Bible, and Discipleship to Jesus is a multi-week ministry designed to help our church family engage in meaningful and intentional conversation around...well...theology, the Bible, and discipleship to Jesus.
The in-person classes are now done but you can still work through the study using the videos or podcasts below.
Download Workbook
Listen to our Podcasts
Christian Thought, and a Conversation on Reconstructing Your Faith
with Greg Harris and Mike Cosper
Director of Christianity Today Media, Host and Producer of "The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill", and Author of "Land of My Sojourn"
Christian Thought, Freedom, and the Conscience
The words conscience and freedom are used so frequently in our everyday lives, and they are words that the Bible uses. We should ask ourselves: Am I using these words the way the Bible is using them? If we want to live wisely as Christians in Canada in 2024, these are concepts we need to wrestle with - so you are invited to join Elizabeth Faulkner, Jesse Schellenberg, and Greg Harris in a conversation about thinking Christianly about freedom and conscience.
Christian Thought and Integrating the Church Family
Do you feel like the local church is your family? Do you feel like you belong relationally with the people of your church?
For many years the biological/nuclear family has taken centre stage for people's sense of belonging. Which is why these words that Jesus tells his disciples feel so out of place to us:
"Truly I tell you," Jesus replied, "no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields - along with persecutions - and in the age to come eternal life." ~ Mark 10:29-30 (NIV)
Christian Thought and Integrating the Church Family is an event designed to help us think through the countercultural message of the Bible that the local church should operate as a family. Whether we are married or single we are called to come together and form a family.
This forum was held on October 30 at SouthRidge Church.