Title: Jesus and Pilate
Series: Mark
Message Summary:
Kirk leads with a video clip of Pilate asking the crowd who they want freed: Jesus or Barabbas. The crowd chooses Barabbas. Kirk goes on to explain the various roles, groups, and political powers, who are involved in Jesus’ trial.
Kirk focuses on Pilate. We read Mark 15:1-15.
Pilate – he has the authority of Rome behind him. He has armies at his command. He feels as though he has the ultimate power in this territory. Yet he ends up bending to the pressures of the crowd, and the political situation. Caesar had sent word to Pilate that he must not allow another insurrection to occur. If it does Pilate would be removed from his role and lose all his political status and power.
Kirk poses the question: The crowd or the cross? Who are you listening to when it comes to the person of Jesus? Who are you seeking to please with your perspective and understanding of Jesus? We must turn down the “crowd” and focus more on the truth of Jesus.