Craig Murphy speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on slavery, sin, freedom, and new life. This message is part of our summer series, Promises of God.
WEB TEAM Craig Murphy, Message, Message-audio, Promises of God
Craig Murphy speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on slavery, sin, freedom, and new life. This message is part of our summer series, Promises of God.
WEB TEAM By faith, Elizabeth Faulkner, Message, Message-audio
Elizabeth Faulkner speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. She speaks on Rahab, faith, fear, and sin. This is part of our “By faith” message series looking at Hebrews 11
WEB TEAM Message, Message-audio, Stories BC, Wes Linde
Pastor Wes speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on sin, and temptation. This is part of our “Stories BC” message series.
WEB TEAM Brent Chapman, Ephesians, Message, Message-audio
Pastor Brent speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on sin, Satan, and zombies. This is part of our “Ephesians” message series.