In May 2023, our church community engaged in a journey of thinking through Christian Thought and the Trans* Conversation. Not everyone from our church was able to participate in the Sunday morning sermon and/or Monday evening event where this conversation primarily took place. Additionally, we have heard from people outside of our church family who were interested in listening in on this process.
This webpage is designed to be a 'one-stop location' to listen in on the conversation(s) that took place. We have also included links to other resources to keep the conversation going. We intend to pursue this conversation, and all conversations, in the pursuit of grace and truth. We trust you will access these resources with that shared intent.

Kyla Gillespie joined us on Sunday morning to give a message about how we as Christians can show grace and love to those around us facing the challenges of gender dysphoria.

How do we as a church family think and behave Christianly regarding the topic of gender and transgender. We are thrilled to feature Kyla Gillespie as our keynote presenter. This event was an important element of our church becoming a community committed to grace and truth.
Q & A

This message was from a series entitled 'Who Is My Neighbour?' When Jesus calls us to love our neighbours as ourselves we are to include all people regardless of our differences.
God and the Transgender Debate: What Does the Bible Actually Say About Gender Identity?
Book by Andrew T. Walker
Transgender: Christian Compassion, Convictions and Wisdom for Today's Big Questions (Talking Points)
Book by Vaughan Roberts
Embodied: Transgender Identities, the Church & What the Bible has to Say
Book by Preston M. Sprinkle
Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender
by Preston Sprinkle
Renewed and Transformed: Jesus, Sexuality and Gender
by Kyla Gillespie