Vespers isn’t like evening service from 1992

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Evening of Worship and Prayer

Vespers isn’t like evening service from 1992

What exactly is a Vespers service at SouthRidge?

A Vespers service is a time in the evening that focuses on worship through song and prayer. Sounds like an evening service, right? Our Vespers Service isn’t a throw back to the great evening services of the 1990s. Not that there was anything wrong with evening services from the good old days. Who doesn’t think back fondly of singing “As the Deer” and “Shine Jesus Shine?” Instead our service is a little different — well a lot different.

Upcoming Vespers

october, 2024

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How worship and prayer work together at Vespers

Our services are completely focused on being in God’s presence, which we practice primarily through music and singing, but also leave room for extended times of prayer throughout the service.  We have two prayer areas (or “prayereas”) on either side of the room where you can go to pray on your own, or pray with one of the prayer team members who will be there for you.

This isn’t like a typical service – there is no message

That’s right. The entire time we focus on worshiping our God through song and prayer. We are all about experiencing and interacting with God, leaving space for Him to speak to us.  Vespers is not about consumption but participation.  We have various themes and focuses throughout the year that will engage us in different ways, often coinciding with the Church calendar for times like Advent and Holy Week before Easter.

Verpers isn’t our morning service repeated at night

Our Sunday services are a time for teaching from God’s Word, celebrating together through praise and worship, hearing what is going on in the church community, and sharing in some cookies and coffee afterward.  There are lots of different elements involved in a Sunday service.  Our Vespers services, on the other hand, are a time to slow down and really sit and soak in God’s presence by engaging in extended times of worship and prayer.  As it’s a different kind of worship environment we also have a an expanded set of songs we sing at Vespers.

Come and worship together at Vespers

If you want to dedicate time to come into God’s presence and together seek His face, come out to a Vespers service at SouthRidge this year.  They take place every two months (give or take a week or two here and there).
