WELCOME! You Belong Here
Our vision is to see every woman follow Jesus daily, bravely take risks, and live out her faith to the world around her. We don't believe she's meant to do that alone. We do REAL life. Together.
We believe our relationship to God and one another is vital to our spiritual growth. And in community, we can best bravely encourage and spur one another on. God's word is our foundation, prayer is indispensable, and caring and serving each other is what we do. As we follow Jesus daily, we endeavor to live authentical genuine lives through the highs and lows, laughter and tears.
We invite you to join our community!
Ladies, join us for a Christmas Brunch  
December 4
9:00am at SouthRidge

Please bring something sweet or savoury to share
No registration required
$5 admission at the door
REAL Summer

All SouthRidge women are welcome to find a fun way to connect and keep growing in your faith this summer!
Join one...join all...You are Welcome!

Pick a Book Club
Hello Mornings Book Club - 1/3 dates begin July 19, 7:00pm in Murrayville
Join other ladies for a super chill book club this summer. Focused on learning to build a grace-filled, life-giving morning routine. Learn how to start our day well and build on simple habits: God time, move time, and plan time: 3 minutes is the goal!

Plug into a Bible Study
Job - Online First Five bible study - 1/8 dates begins July 3
Join other ladies through an online app study of the book of Job. Discover how God longs to help us in our hurt. God has the power to take away all of our problems in pain, but what do we do when He doesn't? Connect with us as we discover the God of hope in our painful situations.

Connect with us and let us know where you want to be and we'll get you there!
We hope you'll join us...You belong here!

REAL Women | YouTube Channel

Can't make it to a study? If any of our planned meet times don't work for you, choose from a number of our FREE Bible Studies - taught by Linda Murdoch. They're all on YouTube - so you can do it on your own or better yet, with friends! So be sure to subscribe and hit that share button!

REAL Women Summer Book Club
Are you hoping to stay connected over the summer? Don't mind doing so on Zoom? A few of us will be doing a very casual book study on Zoom for 10 Thursdays over the summer from 9:30am - 11:00am PST. The book? A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23. Join us any or all the dates you can. Or just read along knowing you can connect if you want!
First meet: July 3
Last meet: August 29
You can find the booklet (or trilogy book version) on Amazon for a nominal cost. If you are interested, and/or have other friends who might be, feel free to invite them. We'd love to have you join us!
Contact us for more information
REAL Bible Study - Summer Style
Study on Joseph via WordGo (free app)
Evenings - Tuesday beginning July 16, 7:00pm
Mornings - Wednesday beginning July 17, 10:00am
4 weeks finishing the week of August 6/7
Contact Linda for more information
Women's Mini Conference
March 8 | 9:30am - 1:00pm
Ladies, you're invited to a Women's Mini-Conference for the women of SouthRidge!
A time to connect with one another and with God through worship, prayer, and teaching from God's word. Lunch will be provided!
Registration will be opening shortly. In the meantime mark your calendar!
So tap that finger or click that mouse to get connected! At the very least you'll find encouragement, and at the most we believe you'll find life transformation.
In Jesus, our beauty is found in our unity. Through Him, anything is possible. So please reach out and join our community today!
Relationship. Encouragement. Authenticity. Laughter.
Tikvah joined the team at SouthRidge in September 2024. She and her husband Jordan live in Langley. Tikvah is passionate about cultivating space for women to encounter God through his Word. She is currently working on her Masters of Arts in Biblical Leadership.
Contact Tikvah

Upcoming Events


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