Pastor Brent speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on social justice, justice, and mercy. This is message two of our four part “Jesus + Justice” series.
WEB TEAM Brent Chapman, Jesus + Justice, Message, Message-audio
Pastor Brent speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on poverty, justice, and generosity. This is message one of our four part “Jesus + Justice” series.
Listening to God
WEB TEAM Brent Chapman, Ignite, Message, Message-audio
Pastor Brent speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on prayer, soul, and listening. This is message three of our three part “Ignite” series.
Seek God
WEB TEAM Brent Chapman, Ignite, Message, Message-audio
Pastor Brent speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on prayer, repentance, and humility. This is message two of our three part “Ignite” series.
Experience God
WEB TEAM Brent Chapman, Ignite, Message, Message-audio
Pastor Brent speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on prayer and discipleship. This is message one of our three part “Ignite” series.
Get ready!
WEB TEAM By faith, Kirk Wood, Message, Message-audio
Pastor Kirk speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on being prepared, ready, and confident. This is part of our “By faith” message series looking at Hebrews 11.
By faith we do not quit
WEB TEAM Brent Chapman, By faith, Message, Message-audio
Pastor Brent speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on faith, and Jesus. This is part of our “By faith” message series looking at Hebrews 11.
By faith Gideon
WEB TEAM By faith, Message, Message-audio, Wes Linde
Wes Linde speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on faith, reliance, doubt, and trust. This is part of our “By faith” message series looking at Hebrews 11.
The flawed
WEB TEAM By faith, Kirk Wood, Message, Message-audio
Kirk Wood speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. This is part of our “By faith” message series looking at Hebrews 11.