Pastor Brent speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, a Langley church. You are created to love God. As a church one of the reasons we exist is to love God. This is part of our “This is who we are. You belong here.” message series.
Live together or die alone
Web Team Message, Message-audio, This verse changed my life, Wes Linde
Pastor Wes speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship a Langley church. He speaks on the concept of community and focuses on the scripture 1 John 4:7-12. This is part of our “This verse changed my life” message series.
Finding rest
Web Team Brent Chapman, Message, Message-audio, This verse changed my life
Joshua 23:1 | Lead pastor Brent Chapman delivers a message on Joshua 23:1 entitled Finding Rest. We can Relax all we want, but without reclining in the presence of Jesus we will not experience rest.
What is stopping you?
Web Team Brent Chapman, Message, This verse changed my life
1 Timothy 4:12 |Lead Pastor Brent speaks on this passage and how it changed his life.
Meet me in the Cave
Web Team Cam Keller, Message, This verse changed my life
1 Samuel 22:2 | We must remember it is important to meet people where they are at, but it is equally important not to leave them where they are at.
The Game of Thrones
Web Team Jeff Ingwersen, Message, This verse changed my life
Judges 21:25 | God must be sitting on the throne of our heart. God is wiser than we are.
Fix our eyes on Jesus
Web Team Elizabeth Faulkner, Message, This verse changed my life
Following Christ: The war over words
Web Team Kirk Wood, Message, This verse changed my life
John 6:67-68 | The crowd of 5,000 heard Jesus but they did not follow Jesus. The disciples followed even when what they heard needed faith to understand and accept.
Grace based giving
Web Team Jonathan Michael, Message, This verse changed my life
2 Corinthians 9:8 | When we give it reveals our heart. We are to give with joyful giving. This is how God gives to us and therefore that is how we are to give to him.