What is SRKids? It is a surprising answer.
If I were to ask you, “What’s SRKids all about?” I am sure I would get a wide range of answers. Perhaps some might say that it’s a place where kids can come to hear bible stories, or a program on Sunday morning for kids to learn about God, or maybe some might even say it’s a way to get the kids out of the service to let them burn off some steam. And Yes, SRKids is all that and more! But more importantly SR Kids is a partner.
“A Partner?” What on earth does that mean?
Parenting is both full of joy and hardships and a lot of hard work with sleepless nights. I’ve got three kids so I can testify to the lack of sleep! It is easy to forget that as parents we have been given the task of being the main spiritual influence to your children. This is a HUGE responsibility and a lifelong journey. All the leaders and volunteers at SRKids don’t want you to walk it alone. We want to be your partner!
SR Kids is in your corner of the ring.
It is our goal to help you lead your kids to know Jesus for Life. We want to support faith at home by starting conversations here in SRKids. We hope you can continue these conversations at home because truly authentic faith is faith that is lived out daily.
We want to be a tool you can use on your parenting journey. There is no second chance in parenting and what we do today matters.
Check out our Facebook post on this topic and join the conversation. Let me know how SR Kids is impacting your children.