Marc Kinna speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on the topics of reconciliation and grace. This is part of our “Stories BC” message series.
The good wife
WEB TEAM Brent Chapman, Message, Message-audio, Stories BC
Pastor Brent speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on the topics of wisdom, patience, and grace. This is part of our “Stories BC” message series.
Bewitched and bewildered
WEB TEAM David Horita, Message, Message-audio
David Horita speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. He speaks on not succumbing to a legalistic faith – but rather embracing the grace of life in Jesus. Legalism diminishes Jesus’ death. Anytime we start doing things that we think might help pay Jesus back we diminish his sacrifice. This message was spoken to the church family on June 19.
Grace, the Gospel & you
WEB TEAM Brent Chapman, Ephesians, Message, Message-audio
We can’t forget that the amazing power that affected Paul — which caused his amazing 180 degree transformation — is the same power that can (and will) affect our lives. It is only the power of God that can transform lives… READ MORE
He is risen
WEB TEAM Brent Chapman, Ephesians, Message, Message-audio
Pastor Brent speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship. in Langley BC. He speaks on grace, faith, and Jesus. This is part of our “Ephesians” message series.
Chosen, adopted, loved
Web Team Brent Chapman, Ephesians, Message, Message-audio
Pastor Brent Chapman speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, in Langley BC. The topics discussed were predestination, adoption, and grace. This is the second message in a multi-part series called “Ephesians.”
The intro (Ephesians 1)
Web Team Brent Chapman, Ephesians, Message, Message-audio
Pastor Brent Chapman speaks at SouthRidge Fellowship, a Langley church. He speaks on the topic Identity, faithfulness, and grace. This is the first message in a multi-part series called “Ephesians.”
The ground is level at the foot of the cross
Web Team David Horita, Message
Luke 14 | The cross of Jesus makes level ground for everyone. We all need Jesus. We all get God’s grace.